A world where everyone has the loving support of a coach, so they can reach for the stars!
To coach and inspire others, so they can celebrate their success!
Core Values
1.Contagious enthusiasm
We work with kids, we have trampolines, and we couldn’t be more excited! When we walk into Metro Stars, we light up the room with our smiles and elevate the energy level with our laughter! We love sharing our passion and enthusiasm for gymnastics with the world – just needs a punctuation at the end i believe as all of the others have one.
2.Learn & Grow
At Metro Stars, we are intensely curious – about everything! That curiosity pushes us to learn as much as possible, which spurs us to grow into the very best versions of ourselves. In turn, our team can drive Metro Stars Gymnastics to the forefront of our industry!
3.Confidence with humility
We are the gymnastics experts, and we love to share that expertise! We also recognize that we couldn’t possibly know everything about everything, so we always come to the table with an open mind. In any interaction, we seek first to understand and then be understood, which helps us build confidence in each other!
4.Own It!
We are in charge! We get things done from start to finish without blaming others or finger-pointing. And, what’s more, is that we stand tall as an example for all those who need guidance; our fierce determination inspires us never to give up.
5.Trust and Respect
We treat each other with the utmost respect and know that trust is the ultimate force in this world. We are here to challenge the status quo, but always from an assumption of good intention.